Publications by Marilyn Price
- Price, M., Kafka, M.P., Commons, M.L., & Gutheil, T.G: Telephone Scatologia: Comorbidity with other paraphilias and paraphilia-related disorders. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 25:37-49, 2002
- Price, M., & Kelly, B: Crisis/Hostage Negotiations. American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter 1:15 and 18, 2002
- Price, M., & Recupero, P: Women in forensic psychiatry. American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter 1:13-14, 2002
- Pinals DA, Price M: Forensic Psychiatry and Law Enforcement. in Forensic Psychiatry for the Clinician. Edited by Simon RJ and Gold LZ. American Psychiatric Publishing, in press
- Price M, Recupero PR, Strong DR, Gutheil TG: Gender Differences in the Practice Patterns of Forensic Psychiatry Experts. Submitted J Am Acad Psychiatry Law
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