Publications by Marilyn Price

  1. Price, M., Kafka, M.P., Commons, M.L., & Gutheil, T.G: Telephone Scatologia: Comorbidity with other paraphilias and paraphilia-related disorders. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 25:37-49, 2002
  2. Price, M., & Kelly, B: Crisis/Hostage Negotiations. American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter 1:15 and 18, 2002
  3. Price, M., & Recupero, P: Women in forensic psychiatry. American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter 1:13-14, 2002
  4. Pinals DA, Price M: Forensic Psychiatry and Law Enforcement. in Forensic Psychiatry for the Clinician. Edited by Simon RJ and Gold LZ. American Psychiatric Publishing, in press
  5. Price M, Recupero PR, Strong DR, Gutheil TG: Gender Differences in the Practice Patterns of Forensic Psychiatry Experts. Submitted J Am Acad Psychiatry Law

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