PIPATL members: please log in using the console to the
left to access the password protected area of the website.
Members who would like to be included in the public list below
should contact Mark Hauser
by email or by using
our convenient contact
All visitors are welcome to browse our list of PIPATL members -
those who have requested to be listed publicly. Keep in mind
that this is just a partial list - there are many more PIPATL
members, and they are listed in our password protected area.
Members and Friends of the Program in Psychiatry and Law are
invited to submit suggestions, edits and corrections for this
page to the website host, Mark J. Hauser, M.D. You may also
submit a Curriculum Vitae, a biographical statement, a
bibliography, a link to your website, and a photo. To do so,
send an email to the webmaster:
E-Mail Dr. Hauser
PIPATL members and friends of our program are invited to
consider joining either or both of our Yahoo e-groups ListServs.
Please contact us if you'd like to join either or both of the
We also have a bulletin board available for
members of PIPATL. Please login with your username and password
above in order to access the bulletin
board. You can then review the categories and forums, and add
some postings of your own. If you are using the forum for the
first time please create your username in the format
firstname.lastname. For example Mark Hauser will become
Here is the public list of PIPATL members: