This is a collection of books written by PIPATL members and other relevant books with links to each book at www.amazon.com, where they can be purchased.
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Drugs, Alcohol, and Addiction
The Truth About Addiction and Recovery
Peele, S., Brodsky, A. (contributor). Fireside, 1992.
In this revolutionary analysis of addiction, Peele and Brodsky draw on years of research to refute the contention that addictions are biologically based diseases that last a lifetime. Examining addiction within the context of people's lives, they show that addictive behavior is a way of coping with situational stress--and that it can be overcome without medical treatment or 12-step groups.
Clinical Supervision in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling : Principles, Models, Methods
Powell, D., Brodsky, A. Jossey-Bass, 1998 (Reprint edition).
In this groundbreaking book, a leading trainer of substance abuse counselors outlines the knowledge base and competencies that substance abuse supervisors will need in the coming years. Synthesizing models from established schools of therapy, Powell has designed a "blended" model with easy-to-follow guidelines. Offers methods of supervisory contracting, observation, case presentation, modeling, feedback, intervention, and evaluation.
Resisting 12-Step Coercion : How to Fight Forced Participation in AA, NA, or 12-Step Treatment
Peele, S., Bufe, C., Brodsky, A. See Sharp Press, 2000.
Resisting 12-Step Coercion destroys the flagrant canard that 12-step groups are inherently voluntary. Indeed, authors Chaz Bufe, Stanton Peele, and Archie Brodsky provide ample evidence that each year, over 1,000,000 Americans are compelled to join this crypto-biblical therapeutic cult or face reprisals ranging from extended jail time to unemployment. In a penetrating analysis of this disconcerting trend, the book questions the legal, medical, and ethical issues which directly undermine this alleged panacea for addiction. And, lest you fall victm to this insidious method of social control, the authors provide invaluable advice for anyone facing the possibility of forced 12-step conscription.
Adult Development and Thought
Clinical approaches to adult development.
Commons, M. L., Demick, J., Goldberg, C. (1996).(Also available in
softcover) Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
This volume is one of the first to concentrate on positive growth and development in a clinical arena, rather than loss and pathology. In contrast to the general theories and cross-sectional studies of existing adult developmental research, much of this volume looks at the whole-life level of development of adults through case studies. The book unites three compatible approaches to the study of adult development. The first considers the development of whole life. The second approach examines behavior during certain periods in adults' lives by combining clinical and developmental stage perspectives. The third approach examines "periods of life" following the work of Erikson, Levinson, and Vaillant. The editors of this volume believe that these three approaches form, in their synergy, a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to uniquely difficult problems of late adolescence and early adulthood. It is the unification of these three approches that makes this book unique in its field.
Adult information processing: Limits on loss
Cerella, J., Hoyer, W., Rybash, J., & Commons, M. L., (Eds.). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. (1993).
Addressing a growing imbalance in published reports regarding the decline in information processing abilities with age, 20 contributions identify areas of limited or no decline in cognitive functioning with respect to rate of information processing, attentional capacity, object perception, word perception, language comprehension, learning, memory, and problem-solving.
Beyond Formal Operations: Late Adolescent and Adult Cognitive Development
Commons, M. L. Greenwood Publishing Group.(1984).
Examines the nature of late adolescent and adult thought and concludes that there is describable and significant cognitive development during those stages of life which goes beyond Piaget's stage of formal operations.
Adult Life: Developmental Process
Stevens-Long, J., Commons, M.L. (1992).
An introduction to adult development and aging, discussing treatment of all stages of adult development.
Adult Development: Volume 2: Models and Methods in the Study of Adolescent and Adult Thought
Commons, M.L., Armon, C. Greenwood Publishing Group. (1990).
This volume brings together the works of distinguished authors in the field of postformal-operational cognitive, social, and perceptual development to examine the models and methodology used to investigate postformal thought. The contributors examine both Piagetian and nonstructural models of adult cognitive development, explore the measurement and comparison of cognitive development in adults, and assess the research and theory of adult reasoning in the moral domain. A concluding chapter investigates critical evaluations of postformal research.
Psychiatry and the Law
Psychiatric Practice Under Fire: The Influence of Government, the Media, and Special Interests on Somatic Therapies (Issues in Psychiatry)
Deaton R., Bursztajn H. J. Antipsychotic medication: Regulation through the right to refuse. In: Schwartz H. I., ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 1994; 85-101.
Contributors present examples of regulation gone awry and the impact of regulatory influences and special interest groups on clinical care, identifying problems in today's health care system and offering suggestions for reform. Topics include Prozac and the media, regulation of electroconvulsive therapy in California, antipsychotic medication, medical marijuana, cost containment and managed care, and the regulation of controlled substances and psychotropic drug development.
The psychiatrist in court: A survival guide
Gutheil, T. G. (1st ed.) Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press. (1998)
Intended to prepare practicing psychiatrists who are faced with testifying in court. Covers the basics of the legal process step-by-step, from the subpoena and deposition to the actual trial. Companion to: The Psychiatrist as Expert Witness
Clinical Handbook of Psychiatry and the Law THIRD EDITION
Gutheil, T.G., Appelbaum, P.S. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2000)
Practical guide to forensic psychiatry for residents and practitioners. Previous edition by co-author Thomas G. Gutheil received the APA Guttmacher Award.
Mastering Forensic Psychiatric Practice: Advanced Strategies for the Expert Witness
Gutheil, T.G., Simon, R.I. American Psychiatric Press. (2002)
Designed as the conceptual successor to The Psychiatrist as Expert Witness, c1998. Focuses on the privately retained practitioner within the civil context of America's legal system and examines forensic practice from basics to trial. Covers case preparation, fee agreements, finances, and more.
The psychiatrist as expert witness
Gutheil, T. G. (1st ed.) Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.(1998)
The text is an excellent reference for either the novice or seasoned practitioner encountering the ethical, clinical, and practical issues of the expert witness, as well as hazards and pitfalls inherent to this arena.
Decision Making in Psychiatry and the Law
Thomas G. Gutheil. (Out of print)
The Mental Health Practitioner and the Law : A Comprehensive Handbook
Lawrence E. Lifson (Editor), Robert I. Simon (Editor)
Here is a unique and practical guide to clinical risk management in the mental health field. The book combines the expertise of mental health professionals, judges, attorneys, and insurance industry experts to help the clinician provide effective treatment while reducing the risk of legal liability. Wide-ranging, clinically based, and up-to-date, this will be a welcome guide for medical and surgical practitioners as well.
The Essentials of Massachusetts Mental Health Law : A Straightforward Guide for Clinicians of All Disciplines
(The Essentials of Series) Stephen H. Behnke, James T. Hilliard
This volume brings together the works of distinguished authors in the field of postformal-operational cognitive, social, and perceptual development to examine the models and methodology used to investigate postformal thought. The contributors examine both Piagetian and nonstructural models of adult cognitive development, explore the measurement and comparison of cognitive development in adults, and assess the research and theory of adult reasoning in the moral domain. A concluding chapter investigates critical evaluations of postformal research. This book, one of a series on mental health law in different states, should be required reading for every practicing mental health clinician. First in a narrative section and then in a question-and-answer format, the book covers key aspects of the law (civil commitment, guardianship, confidentiality, subpoenas, consultation, criminal issues, liability and record-keeping) that are relevant to, and affect, clinical practice. It covers these issues with thoughtfulness, elegant writing and with empathy and respect for the reader. And, it makes the law alive, vital and exciting. Reading it is like listening to a very intelligent conversation that explains how the law understands, and supports, the work we do and invites us to think about the process of meetings its standards. Although focused on Massachusetts law, I suspect that the book could also be helpful to clinicians from other areas because the issues addressed cut across state lines. The book teaches us about the law while weaving a story about the way the law interacts with, and informs, clinical practice. The book also shows us how the law has broadened the context of clinical practice to take the public welfare into account. The book teaches clinicians how to think about legal and ethical conflicts, how to approach these dilemmas in an intelligent way and how to protect ourselves from legal violations. For instance, the section on the landmark Tarasoff decision, which has affected practice in every state, covers the California decision in detail, the way it has been modified to fit mental health practice in Massachusetts and how it gets played out in actual practice. This book is an important reference work that clinicians will want to consult often as a very readable guide to ethically and legally sound practice.
Practice, Malpractice, and Ethics
Medical Choices, Medical Chances : How Patients, Families, and Physicians Can Cope With Uncertainty
Harold Bursztajn, Richard I. Feinbloom, Robert M. Hamm and Archie Brodsky. (out of print)
Considered ahead of its time since the first publication in 1981, Medical Choices, Medical Chances provides a telescope for viewing how developments in the fields of medical research, medical technology, and health care organization are likely to influence the doctor-patient relationship in the 21st Century. The book explores this intricate web of relationships among doctors, patients, and families and offers a new framework for mastering the emotional and intellectual challenges of uncertainty, while at the same time providing tools for all concerned to regain control from managed care. It is a must-read for all those interested in medicine and where it is headed in the new millennium.
Psychiatric Care of the Medical Patient
Deaton R. J. S. , Colenda C. C., Bursztajn H. J. . Medical-Legal Issues. In: Stoudemire A, Fogel B. S., eds. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993
This is the definitive reference work on the psychiatric aspects of medical diseases and surgical conditions. The Second Edition has been greatly expanded and includes many new chapters on topics like eating disorders, pain management in children, frontal lobe syndromes, psychopharmacology in pregnancy, and spinal cord injury.
Divided Staffs, Divided Selves
Reiser, S.J., Gutheil, T.G. Cambridge University Press. (1987)
A case-centered approach to the teaching of health care ethics provides a method for resolving difficult dilemmas with potentially tragic options in the mental health care field.
Surgical Intuition: What It Is and How to Get It
Abernathy, C.M., Hamm, R.M. Hanley & Belfus. (1995)
Sketches a cognitive psychology theory of the thinking involved in surgery, for general surgeons and doctors of all specialties, as well as psychologists and cognitive scientists. Beginning from the assumption that intuition is as important in surgery as analytical thinking, the authors describe various types and theories of thinking and problem solving, and present their model of surgical scripts as learning aids and as windows into how surgeons acquire experience. Includes numerous charts and puzzles.
The Successful Physician Negotiator - How To Get What You Deserve
Steven Babitsky, Jr., Esq. James J. and Mangraviti, James J. Mangraviti, Esq., Steven Babitsky.
The average physician will negotiate for millions of dollars over the next twenty years without having any training in negotiation skills. This book was written especially to provide physicians with the negotiating skills they need to get what they deserve. The book is straightforward, easy to read and features over 250 examples which explain exactly what to do, and what not to do, during a negotiation
Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs
Kalyna Z. Bezchlibnyk-Butler, J. Joel Jeffries / Paperback / Published 1998
A guide to psychotropic medications, with information in bulleted outline format on horizontal pages, along with comparison charts and tables. Information is given on generic and trade names, the latest scientific data, clinical guidelines, and indications. Both American and Canadian trade names are used. This edition includes the latest information, and a new section of patient information sheets.
Fifty Ways to Avoid Malpractice : A Guidebook for Mental Health Professionals
Robert Henley Woody / Paperback / Published 1988.
Quantitative Analyses
Quantitative Analyses of Behavior: Discrimination Processes
Commons, M.L., Wagner, A.R., Hernstein, R.J. (Editors) (1984). Ballinger Publishing Corp.
Quantitative Analyses of Behavior: Foraging
Commons, M.L., Shettleworth, A.K. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (1987).
Quantitative Analyses of Behavior: Biological Determinants of Reinforcement
Commons, M.L., Stellar, J.R., Church, R.M. (Editors) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (1988).
Quantitative Analyses of Behavior: The Effects of Delay and of Intervening Events on Reinforcement Value
Commons, M.L., Rachlin, H., Mazur, J.E. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (1986).
You're Smarter Than You Think: How to Develop Your Practical Intelligence for
Success in Living
Epstein S, Brodsky A. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993.
A personality expert describes the Constructive Thinking Inventory--the test he created to measure practical intelligence--offering insights into the personality traits that really matter in life. 20,000 first printing. (Selection of Book-of-the-Month Club, Fortune Book Club, Quality Paperback Book Club.)
Diabetes: Caring for your emotions as well as your health.
Edelwich, J., Brodsky, A. Forward by Arky, R. A. Reading, MA: Perseus Books, 1998 (revised edition).
Here is vital information about living with diabetes that your doctor often doesn't have time to discuss. This extensively revised edition of an indispensable guide covers such concerns as adjusting to the emotional impact of the disease; decisions about diet, exercise, medications and new technology; the affect of complications on marriage, family, sex, and career; and much more.
If This Is Love, Why Do I Feel So Insecure?
Hindy, C., Schwarz, C., Brodsky, A. Crest, 1990 (Reissue edition).
It doesn't have to hurt to be in love, yet for many otherwisde accomplished and confident people, romantic involvement means anxiety, insecurity, and pain. This provocative and authoritative sourcebook, filled with true-life stories and dramatic case histories, will set every reader on a path of greater self-understanding -- and increase the possibilities of finding an enduring love.
Atmosphere and stage development in the workplace
Commons, M. L., Krause, S. R., Fayer, G. A., & Meaney, M. (1993).Demick & P.M. Miller (Eds.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Passing Strategies: A Helpful Guide for the Psychiatry Oral Exam (ABRIDGED CDROM Edition)
Rayel, M.G., Gutheil, T.G. Soar Dime Limited. (2002)
An indispensable companion to assist candidates in achieving success in both exam preparation and performance. This guide provides practical strategies for passing the psychiatry oral exam. Through frank dialogue interspersed with humorous anecdotes, it provides personal vignettes and the experiences of others for practical methods for success. This helpful compendium anticipates the common questions that exam candidates most often ask. It is a textbook, guidebook, and workbook all in one. Realistic success and failure scenarios are provided as are representative examination dialogues.
Child care and culture: Lessons from Africa
LeVine, R. A., Dixon, S., LeVine, S., Richman, A., Leiderman, P. H., & Brazelton, T. B., with J. Caron, C. Keefer, R. Kermoian, P. Miller, R. New, G. Pfeiffer, S. Templeton, S., & E. Tronick Cambridge University Press. (1994). Also available in
Mothers' and strangers' behavior with infants
Miller, P. M. In J. Demick, R. DiBiase & K. Bursick (Eds.). Parental development. (pp. 159-174). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.(1993).
Development in the workplace
Demick, J. & Miller, P. M. (Eds.). Hillsdale, N.J. : Erlbaum. (1993).
Contemporary South Africa: Social psychological perspectives
Morse, Stanley J., Orpen, Christopher. Cape Town: Juta (1975).
Understanding Therapeutic Action : Psychodynamic Concepts of Cure (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book, Vol. 15)
Lawrence E. Lifson (Editor)