This is a collection of books written by PIPATL members and other relevant books with links to each book at, where they can be purchased.

Please choose a category of books to browse, or click here for a complete list of featured books.

Drugs, Alcohol, and Addiction

The Truth About Addiction and Recovery
Peele, S., Brodsky, A. (contributor). Fireside, 1992.

In this revolutionary analysis of addiction, Peele and Brodsky draw on years of research to refute the contention that addictions are biologically based diseases that last a lifetime. Examining addiction within the context of people's lives, they show that addictive behavior is a way of coping with situational stress--and that it can be overcome without medical treatment or 12-step groups.

 Clinical Supervision in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling : Principles, Models, Methods
Powell, D., Brodsky, A. Jossey-Bass, 1998 (Reprint edition).

In this groundbreaking book, a leading trainer of substance abuse counselors outlines the knowledge base and competencies that substance abuse supervisors will need in the coming years. Synthesizing models from established schools of therapy, Powell has designed a "blended" model with easy-to-follow guidelines. Offers methods of supervisory contracting, observation, case presentation, modeling, feedback, intervention, and evaluation.

 Resisting 12-Step Coercion : How to Fight Forced Participation in AA, NA, or 12-Step Treatment
Peele, S., Bufe, C., Brodsky, A. See Sharp Press, 2000.

Resisting 12-Step Coercion destroys the flagrant canard that 12-step groups are inherently voluntary. Indeed, authors Chaz Bufe, Stanton Peele, and Archie Brodsky provide ample evidence that each year, over 1,000,000 Americans are compelled to join this crypto-biblical therapeutic cult or face reprisals ranging from extended jail time to unemployment. In a penetrating analysis of this disconcerting trend, the book questions the legal, medical, and ethical issues which directly undermine this alleged panacea for addiction. And, lest you fall victm to this insidious method of social control, the authors provide invaluable advice for anyone facing the possibility of forced 12-step conscription.









The Program in Psychiatry and The Law meets virtually on Wednesday mornings at 11:00 AM.

Check our meetings page regularly to find out about our upcoming meetings.

Our file library includes copies of the Amicus Briefs to which we have contributed: Althaus v. Cohen (PA) and Citizens for Health v. Thompson (Third Circuit).

 Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Covid19 led us to virtual meetings - no in person meetings for now
Wishing everybody health and safety during this unprecedented time.
 Friday, January 1, 2010
PIPATL Form for Inclusion in the Schedule
Get the form from this link

Site By Ivo